
Robustfest vol.III - 2nd announce

Ladies and Gentlemen!
As you have probably noticed before - we have 2 fresh characters on our main poster !
Please welcome two newcomers from Ukrainian Underground scene on Robust arena 2013.


Seniors and senoritas, please be informed that the list of our newcomers was just refreshed with mind-boggling Madam Keepleer. Hereditary medium and a sorceress of the seventh generation, she can communicate with the dead, listen to the living and foresee the future. Her kin is in affinity with the inhabitants of distant stars, and she owns the knowledge of the darkest abyss – so horrible, that no human being can imagine. 

Distant ancestors of Madam Keepleer have done business with angels and demons, ghosts and werewolves, warlocks and wizards, and now all their knowledge is transferred to Madam Keepleer through the ages. Her charming voice bewitched hundreds, and her sophisticated manners will surprise those, who think that the keepers of her ancient craft are just a bunch of dirty beggars. Please pay us a visit on this autumn evening, and our Robust circus will give you the unqiue opportunity to hear something that will change you forever, because even the most artful rascal wasn’t able to keep his secrets from Madam Keepleer.

(Text by Stonezilla)


Robust circus is glad to open its doors to you - our cherished visitor.  Please welcome our secret weapon – the native of northern Lands, the hermit of Iceland vastness – Mr. Volcano. For many of you, his performance will be a surprise, because before the Robust show, Mr. Volcano didn’t show his outstanding skills to the wide public. 

But his indomitable temper and virtuoso fire taming skills made him famous far beyond his cold island, that’s why he decided to show the world his devilish magic. Keep the fire alive in your hearts, ladies and gentleman, but if you can’t do it, Mr. Volcano will do it for you. Looks like you all want it, don’t you?

(Text by Stonezilla)