Three long years have passed since Negative Reaction's "Tales of the Insomniac". Open your mind and this band will blow your brains out. Heavy-twisted Rock'n'Roll coming to da house. Downtuned Guitars seems to be done on minor notes that makes the sound non-standart for doom metal band. Ken's voice seems to be sweet as fuck and ugly as hell in the same time. This work thematically follows the previous opuses like split with Ramesses & "Endofyourerror" & "Orion Chronicles". One of my favourite bands that still doing good-quality Doom/Sludge nowadays. Let the Heaviness come !
without wasting words
...established in 1990, NEGATIVE REACTION from NY/USA, they kings of SLUDGE DOOM are back in 2011 with "Frequencies From Montauk"
"It is going to be the best NR release to date!... Sludge out and DOOM on!" KEN-E BONES
Eart Side
- day after yesterday
- dopamine
- docking bay 94
- frequencies from montauk
- shattered reflection
- thicker than blood
Space Side
- space capsule 1
- a bit of rumb
- planet sagar and the trobbits
- angels & demons
- elsie in space
these album is released as Vinyl LP+CD ...with printed innerbag and download code!
a cooperation between W.I.F.A.G.E.N.A. RECORDS and PsycheDOOMelic
Listen to "Dopamine" & "Shattered Reflection" from this album here :
http://shop.psychedoomelic.com/ (LP+CD+mp3)
http://wifagena.com/ (Die Hard Edition with Sticker & Patch)